Working From Home Tips

Hiiii friend!! Obviously it’s a wild world we’re living in right now + so many folks are trying to navigate working from home for the first time. I have been working from home with this business since I started taking pictures back in 2009 so I have a little bit of experience + some advice I would LOVE to share to maybe help you navigate this time. While I can’t provide insight on what this looks like if you have kiddos - I will do my best to help you eliminate a few hiccups you may have along the way.

  1. Build a morning routine. For me this looks like making the bed, moisturizing my face, taking my vitamins, brushing my teeth and then change out of my jammies. Some people will tell you to put jeans on and really get dressed but I truly believe just going through the motions of putting something on other than your jammies will make a big difference. I usually rock sweat pants or shorts. Basically - do the same routine every day. Find what works for you and stick to it.

  2. Designate at least one spot that is your ‘work zone.’ I am thankful to have a home office so that is my work space. BUT some other great ideas are a desk, your dining table, set up a TV tray if you need to. What I DON’T recommend is working from your bed or your couch because those are typically places were you relax and it’s key to separate work time from relax time when everything you do is at home.

  3. Don’t forget to eat + drink water. This is something that has taken a lot of years for me to finally get in the hang of so give yourself some grace. After I change my clothes I head into the kitchen and start my water for tea then ether scramble an egg or have a bowl of yogurt or cereal. Take a glass of water with you to your work area. Make it visible so you won’t forget it’s there. Start an alarm on your phone if you need to so you’ll get up and make yourself some lunch. Working from home is a great way to take advantage of any leftovers. Sandwiches or wraps are always a super easy, quick solution too. When you make lunch - get another glass of water! It’s important to not let yourself graze or snack all day. It’s bad for the waste line + the pocket book. Repeat whatever process works for you everyday.

  4. Leave your phone in another room or throw it in your desk drawer while you work so you aren’t temped with social media or games, etc. I work on Mac computers so my phone is linked to them. I keep my phone in my bedroom while I work in my office but I know I can still get calls and texts if someone needs to reach me but I won’t be wasting time scrolling through Insta or Fb.

  5. Set work hours. This will look different for everyone especially if you have kiddos or need to set up conference calls, etc. I try to be at my desk most days from 9am-3pm. Justin gets home a little after 3 so when he gets home- I check out for the day. If you have kids- maybe wake up an hour before they do to knock out some emails and work. Or designate that hour after bed time to getting some work done.

  6. Don’t forget to move around. Setting an alarm on your phone to do some squats or just to get up and move is a great idea and something I do often. GET OUTSIDE and take a walk before or after your lunch. This is great for kiddos too so they can burn some energy.

Two last things that aren’t necessarily tips for working from home but just tips during this wild time:

  1. You can’t pour from an empty cup. Make time to do the things you love. Make it a priority. Do whatever you need to do to help your sanity. Mental health may be more important now than ever before.

  2. Give yourself some grace. Seriously - this is uncharted waters for everyone but especially if you’re trying to navigate working from home for the first time. It’s okay if it takes a while to establish a routine. It’s okay to mess up and spend an hour online shopping in the middle of the work day - I’ve been there too many times. It’s okay to not be okay. Take the time you need to do the things you need.

You can do this. This too shall pass. We will get through this together. Sending you the biggest virtual hugs!! I love you!! - BC

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