7 Ways to Use Your Engagement Photos at Your Wedding

You love your engagement photos, right? But, you have A LOT of them and don’t know how to share them all with the world? I gotchu!! Turn them into decorations! Your guests will love seeing them + they’re easily accessible for you. Your guests are there because they love you and support you guys as a couple so they will LOVE to see your pictures throughout your venue or church.

1. Use your pictures as a guestbook that will hang on the walls in your house.


2. Add some photos to your gift and card table! Use different sizes and frames to add depth and dimension.


3. Mix your engagement photos with photos from your years together in a guestbook.


4. Use your photos as center pieces for your guest tables at the reception. This is always a crowd favorite. Get creative with different frames. You could also mix in images from you both as kids.


5. Put some pictures on or around the cake or dessert tables.


6. Put pictures at the entrance of the church or venue so they are the first things guests see when they walk in.


7. Use your engagement pictures for your save the dates and/or in your invitation suite!

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Track Star Senior Pictures | Columbus, KS


Cowgirl Senior Pictures | Vinita, OK