Five Goal Setting Tips

Setting goals can be super intimidating for a lot of reasons. I am not a quitter and once I tell myself something will get done, it WILL get done so my biggest fear used to be setting myself up for failure by expecting too much or stretching myself thin. That fear no longer exists and here’s why…

In year three of this goal setting journey, that hasn’t happened yet and here are the five super simple steps that I follow to make all the things happen.


I’ve found a tool - Powersheets Goal Planner - that I absolutely love. It helps me make ALL THE THINGS happen and makes implementing these five steps super easy.

  1. START!! This will likely be the hardest part but be like Nike and just do it. Put pen to paper or finger to keyboard and brain dump things you want to get done, fears, hesitations - all the things. Just start!

  2. Hold yourself accountable. Make time for the process and make yourself do it. It’s not an overnight success and takes time and dedication to see results. If you know this will be especially tough for you, find a way to simplify the process (i.e., breaking it down into super small tasks) so it comes naturally for you or makes the goal setting process simple.

  3. Prioritize what is most important to you. You can’t achieve all of your goals immediately so start small or with what is most important to you at this stage in your life and work to grow from there.

  4. Give yourself some grace!! It’s okay if you have a rough patch or don’t follow through for a little while. Shake it off and try it again. Pick up right where you leave off and try again. You can only go up from there. Don’t get discouraged! Progress is progress, my friend.

  5. HAVE FUN!! Make goals that are fun for you and make some goals that will require a bit more work. It’s all about balance and making more of what matters in your life.

If you stick with your goals and are patient with the process, you WILL see your life and habits start to change. That’s when you will know that what you’re doing matters. Stick with it and make what matters happen!!

If you have any tried and true goal setting tips, please drop them in the comments below!!


Kansas Ranch Engagement Pictures | White City, KS


Baking Day with the Ables Family | Pineville, MO