Top 5 Fav Books in 2020

When we were all stuck at home in spring 2020 trying to find new things to occupy our time, I took up long walks down the dirt roads with my dogs. I started listening to music and quickly felt like I wasn’t making the best use of my time, so I turned to audiobooks.

Prior to that, I wasn’t a big book listener, but I did find some that I really loved. I rounded out the year with listening to 16 books and reading 25. I read 50 in 2019. See that list here!

But, moving right along into 2020…

I made a goal to not buy any new books until I read through more of the stash I already had + I am happy to announce that I did stick to that goal pretty well! Many of you know my love for, so this is a big deal.

But getting to my point….drum roll, please…..

My five fav books from 2020 are….

My five fav books from 2020 are….

Dumplin’ by Julie Murphy. If you’ve seen the Netflix movie, the book blows it out of the water. If you haven’t seen it or read the book, add both to your list. It’s a feel good book that is so sweet. An honorable mention here is the sequel to it called Puddin’ (also by Julie Murphy). These would be great books for young adults but I enjoyed them and I’m in my late 20s.

  1. Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood by Rebecca Wells. This book is also a movie. I had seen the movie years ago, so it wasn’t fresh on my mind when I read the book. This is another one that I thought was a feel good, easy read. You know I had to go back and watch the movie again to compare them. Guess what? The book was still better!

  2. This next one is a trilogy but they’re all quick reads so we’re grouping them all together. My Bridges of Hope, I Have Lived a Thousand Years, and Hello, America all by Livia Bitton - Jackson. This is a WW2 era autobiography series. It would be great for young adults. Reading these stories is just so eye-opening and a reminder of what all has happened in the lives of our ancestors. I highly recommend!

  3. Everybody Always by Bob Goff. If you haven’t heard of Bob Goff, please do yourself a favor and do a quick Google search. He’s incredible and his writing is second to none. I really believe this book and his other book, Love Does, have changed my heart and my life. They are non-fiction and are so so great.

  4. The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Michelle Richard is a novel based on true events and people. This actually served as the inaugural book for the BC Book Club (join the Facebook Group if you love reading) and EVERYONE loved it. I don’t want to give anything away, but I would love to see this one turned into a movie to see what they could get done with it.

Honorable Mention Audiobooks include:

  • Everything is Figuroutable by Marie Forleo, Daring Greatly + Braving the Wilderness by Brené Brown and The Beantown Girls by Jane Healey.

This could be up for debate, but I don’t necessarily count listening to books to be the same as reading them. While I did love these books, I do think I missed out on some things because they didn’t have my full attention. With all of that to say - I wouldn’t surprise myself if I decide to read the hard copies of these books as well. The first three are nonfiction, self-help books and the last is a WW2 era novel. All of these are so great and worth the mention here.

I am excited (for a million reasons) to see what 2021 has in store, but mostly excited to read lots of new books.

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